Edgewood Avenue Protected Bike Lanes



The City of Atlanta and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (ADID) are working to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety on Edgewood Avenue between Jackson Street and Boulevard. Edgewood is a popular destination with multiple restaurants, bars, and shops. The roadway is also a critical connection between the BeltLine and Downtown Atlanta. This re-striping project was selected by residents for inclusion in Atlanta City Council District 2’s participatory budgeting program - Downtown Decides!

The redesign of this stretch of Edgewood Avenue repurposes much of the existing center left turn space with buffers and vertical protections for the bike lanes. On-street parking will further protect eastbound bicyclists from vehicular traffic. Additionally, a mid-block crosswalk with flashing beacons will aid pedestrians crossing the block between intersections. These changes will make the roadway much safer for all users while retaining the necessary vehicular functions.


  • Managing stakeholder resources: Coordination between multiple agencies, City departments, and neighborhood partners is always a challenge, regardless of the project’s size. When all parties are clear on what each entity will deliver (design, funding, implementation, oversight), the balancing act becomes easier to manage.

Edgewood Avenue redesign at Boulevard intersection